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Optimarketing: Marketing Optimization to Electrify Your Business transforms outcomes.


In Optimarketing: Marketing Optimization to Electrify Your Business, readers are treated to more than 75 original essays and 12 case examples on what it genuinely takes to optimize marketing results. Robert Rosenthal, founder of the award-winning Contenteurs marketing agency, reveals a characteristic the best marketers have in common; what it took to achieve tenfold response rate improvement for a Fortune 1,000 marketer; how innovators optimize every major marketing element; ways to grow groundbreaking marketing ideas; how to run highly reliable marketing tests; tips on quickly evolving your optimal marketing mix; techniques to beat a successful marketing approach in measurable terms; strategies and tactics to optimize lead generation and one-step selling; the mathematics of profitable marketing; how to build a reliable “marketing machine”; a special section, “The Mind of the Optimarketer”; and more. It’s required reading for everyone interested in optimizing their marketing.

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